Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

Electrical Conductivity Supports Bioelectrical Conductivity With Coherence Technology

CT Production IC

Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

Balancing Energy Centers of the Human Body

Dr. Robert Perry and Associates, an independent research firm in Fallbrook, California, conducted several tests of CT.

Their researchers measured high- and low-electrical intensity on a variety of electrical equipment using a Pulsar Sensor, or “Spin Tester.” They also used a 300 HV Tic Tracer to measure the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the energy field surrounding the human body.

The results confirmed that:

  • Electromagnetic fields in all cases assumed a positive (balanced) vortextual energy flow. This means that the electrons became aligned to each other and flowed in a coherent manner (similar to the way that iron filings on paper assume the shape of a magnet beneath the paper).
  • Electromagnetic fields from devices using CT did not affect the 24 vortextual energy centers of the human body as they would have without the technology.
  • Users of electronic equipment (computers, etc.) reported less eye fatigue, less stress, and less general fatigue, with increased clear thinking.

"In my opinion the units tested are effective in stabilizing and balancing the vortextual energy flow of any electrical circuit in which they are installed and do have a positive favorable effect on those in an area in which electrical equipment/devices are in use."

--Robert R. Perry, Sc.D, PhD

Dr. Glen M. Swartwout tested electrical conductivity along acupuncture meridians while sitting at the computer. He checked the baseline level of stress before and after installing Coherence Technology Software. He found that after 15 minutes, meridians were in perfect balance (50 on the Voll scale of 0 to 100). Dr. Swartwout’s comment was: “This software turns a computer from an energy stressor to an energy balancer! … I strongly recommend anyone working at a computer get this program.”

Read letter from Dr. Glen M. Swartwout


Balancing energy centers of the human body using Coherence Technology (CT) has several potential benefits and applications, particularly valuable for scientists, technologists, innovators, and new product developers. Here are some of the key advantages and applications:
1. **Enhanced Mental and Physical Well-being:**
By balancing the energy centers and reducing stress, CT can potentially enhance mental clarity, reduce stress and fatigue, and promote overall well-being. This could be particularly beneficial in workplaces where electronic devices are prevalent, improving employee productivity and satisfaction.
2. **Improved Performance in Technologies:**
As reported, CT can stabilize and balance the vortextual energy flow in electrical circuits. This might be crucial for enhancing the performance and longevity of electronic equipment, leading to more robust and reliable technology applications.
3. **Healthcare and Therapeutic Applications:**
CT’s potential to balance energy fields and align electrical impulses in the human body suggests applications in healthcare, particularly in therapies involving bioelectric treatments and acupuncture. Such technology could be integrated into medical devices or rehabilitation tools, potentially enhancing their effectiveness.
4. **Innovative Product Design:**
For innovators and product designers, the integration of CT into new products could be a selling point, especially in the wellness and health markets. Products that incorporate energy-balancing features might appeal to health-conscious consumers looking for holistic benefits in everyday devices.
5. **Research and Development:**
Researchers can explore the deeper biological mechanisms affected by electromagnetic fields and coherence technology. This might open up new fields of study in bioelectrical phenomena and their implications for health and technology.
6. **Boosting Cognitive and Physical Abilities:**
Given its purported effect on enhancing brain plasticity and reducing stress, CT could be used in educational and high-stress environments to enhance learning and physical performance.
7. **Exact Measurement and Standards:**
 Because CT enables technological systems to gain access to time-independent reference measurements, there is potential for developing new standards in measuring time and energy flow in various scientific and technological applications, potentially leading to more precise and accurate scientific instruments.
These applications and benefits indicate substantial potential for integrating Coherence Technology in various fields, promoting not only health and wellness but also advancing technological innovation and efficiency.