Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

Software With Coherence Technology
Alters Appearance Of Monitors

CT Production IC

Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

Whole Life Marketplace survey: Whole Life Marketplace asked a variety of people to sample Coherence Technology (CT) Software and give their opinion. The ages of the people in the group ranged from 20 to 65. They were asked to rate the products from 1 to 10, in various categories, 10 being the best. Space was provided for comments. The following are the results of the survey:

Effectiveness /Eye strain: 10

Effectiveness/Energy & Mood: 8

Price (Sug. Retail - $199): 6

How well product met expectations: 9

Testers reported that the CT Software substantially altered the appearance of their monitors making colors more vibrant, images clearer, and the monitor itself less visually irritating. 

Eye tracking over a normal monitor (which pulses over 60 times asecond) usually creates almost imperceptible positive/negative jagged flickering and “blinking.” The software corrected this problem so that eye tracking and peripheral vision was smooth, much like looking at a still image.

Even with memory-intensive applications open (Netscape V 1.0.2, Quick Time Movie Player, Claris Paint and Claris Draw) the software did not create any memory shortages.


Improving software with Coherence Technology (CT) can have significant benefits for scientists, technologists, innovators, and new product developers. This technology focuses on reducing noise and enhancing the clarity and precision of electronic displays, which can be instrumental in various applications across many fields. Here are some potential benefits and applications of using Coherence Technology:

1. **Scientific Research**: Scientists often rely on precise measurements and data visualization to conduct experiments and interpret results. Coherence Technology can improve the accuracy and readability of graphical representations on monitors, which is crucial for exact scientific measurement and analysis.

2. **Healthcare Technology**: In medical imaging and diagnostics, the clarity and accuracy of monitor displays are vital. Enhanced imaging can help in better diagnosis and treatment planning. Coherence Technology could be particularly beneficial in radiology and telemedicine, where precise image details are necessary.

3. **Engineering and Design**: Engineers and designers use software for simulations, CAD, and 3D modeling. Coherence Technology can enhance the visual clarity and reduce eye strain, which is essential when working on detailed projects for extended periods, improving both productivity and precision.

4. **Education and Training**: Enhanced visual technology can improve the quality of educational materials and simulations. This is beneficial in online learning environments where visual content is a key component of the educational process.

5. **Gaming and Virtual Reality**: For developers in gaming and VR, visual clarity and response time are crucial for creating engaging and realistic environments. Coherence Technology could enhance user experience by improving the graphic display and reducing latency.

6. **Consumer Electronics Development**: For developers of consumer electronics where display quality is a key selling point (like smartphones, tablets, and monitors), implementing Coherence Technology can enhance product appeal by offering clearer and more vibrant displays.

**Examples of Practical Applications:**

- **Environmental Monitoring**: In applications like seismic or meteorological monitoring, precise visuals help in better prediction and analysis, which could be enhanced by Coherence Technology.

- **Astronomy**: Enhancing the clarity of images received from telescopes and other monitoring equipment can be critical in observing celestial phenomena.

- **Automotive Industry**: In automotive design and testing, CT could enhance the simulation visuals used for aerodynamic testing and crash simulations, improving precision in design tweaks.

- **Telecommunications**: For those involved in the design and maintenance of network visualizations, clarity and precision are necessary for monitoring and managing complex network operations effectively.

**Innovation and Progress:**
By integrating Coherence Technology into software applications, developers can push the boundaries of current technologies, creating more precise, efficient, and user-friendly products that cater to the ever-evolving needs of various industries. This can lead to significant progress in technology development and application, contributing to advancements across numerous fields.

The concept of using Coherence Technology (CT) to improve the behavior and well-being of school children involves leveraging advances in technology to create more supportive and health-enhancing environments. This technology can be particularly valuable to scientists, technologists, innovators, and product developers in various ways:

1. **Enhancing Learning Environments**:
- **Scientists** can study the impact of reduced visual stress and improved mood on learning and cognitive performance, potentially leading to new insights into educational psychology and neurology.
- **Technologists** could develop more refined algorithms or hardware to optimize the clarity and comfort of digital displays used in educational tools and devices.

2. **Product Development**:
- **Innovators** can use the feedback from CT application to create new products or improve existing ones that cater to the educational sector, such as developing flicker-free e-readers or educational tablets that incorporate CT to reduce eye strain and improve student engagement.
- **Product Developers** might find niche markets within educational technology, creating customized solutions that schools and educational institutions could adopt, enhancing student well-being and performance.

3. **Software Applications**:
- **User Interface Designers** could use insights from CT software effects to enhance the visual ergonomics of various applications, ensuring that software used in educational contexts is optimized for prolonged use without causing fatigue.
- **Educational Software Developers** could integrate CT into learning management systems, virtual classrooms, and other e-learning tools to enhance the user experience and facilitate better learning outcomes.

4. **Behavioral Research and Metrics**:
- **Behavioral Scientists** could explore the effects of a visually optimized environment on student behavior and stress levels, contributing valuable data that can be used to advocate for broader changes in educational settings.

5. **Impact on Health and Well-being**:
- **Health Technologists** could design studies or devices to measure the precise impact of reduced eye strain and better mood on overall health outcomes, thereby creating products aimed at improving public health.

**Examples of Applications**:
- **Educational Tablets and Screens**: Design and sale of flicker-free, high clarity tablets for educational use.
- **Virtual Classrooms**: Development of online learning platforms that use CT to reduce eye strain and improve the clarity of educational content.
- **Behavioral Study Tools**: Tools and software designed for researchers to measure the effects of CT on learning and cognition.
- **Ergonomic Study Environments**: Furniture and classroom design that incorporates CT principles to enhance overall student comfort and engagement.

By integrating Coherence Technology into educational products and environments, there is potential not only to enhance learning outcomes but also to contribute to the physical and psychological well-being of students, creating a more conducive atmosphere for education and growth.